Price List

Name Paintings

Frame sizeImage sizePrice
20" x 16"16" x 12"£70
16" x 12"12" x 8"£50
26" x 8" (without mount)26" x 8"£75
A4 size (without mount)A4£45

(Please note that the 12" x 8" and A4 paintings would be less detailed due to the smaller size)

Canvas Artwork

8" x 8"£14
10" x 10"£16
12" x 12"£18

Sets of 3 (this gives you savings on the individual prices)

8" x 8"£38
10" x 10"£42
12" x 12"£48

Combination Sets (this gives you savings on the individual prices)

1 x A3 + 2 x A4£45
1 x A2 + 2 x A3£65
1 x A1 + 2 x A2£105

The prices shown above apply to images similar to the ones shown in my gallery.

If a more complex image is required this would have to be priced accordingly, especially if the artwork is to be an original "one-off" piece.

Limited editions will be available on occasion and these will be priced differently to above. Prices will be stated along with the edition number.


All murals are individually priced. However, a rough estimate could be provided after a short discussion of your requirements. A full quote would be provided after a more in-depth discussion and design process has been completed.

Prices vary according to room size, mural size and complexity of the design, as well as travel costs.

Please contact me via email or telephone to discuss your ideas.

Postage and Packaging Costs